Fashion photography is one of the most popular forms of photography. As a result, excelling in the fashion industry beyond well-designed clothing requires a high level of professional photography that perfectly captures the beauty of the clothing and other fashion items. Having professional and well-photographed items is important if you plan to influence prospective buyers with your unique work.
At LA Photo Team, our team of professional fashion photographers understand the unique and complex needs that your pieces need in order to be showcased beautifully. With years of experience specializing in fashion photography – from clothing, to footwear, to accessories, to lifestyle, and so much more, we have the skills, knowledge, and experience to ensure that your pieces are beautifully captured. From catalog photography, to high fashion photography, to street fashion photography, to editorial fashion photography, and beyond, we are highly equipped to provide stunning, captivating, and unique results. If you are looking for the top fashion photographers in Los Angeles, we can help you every step of the way. Contact us to learn more about how we can take your vision to the next level.
In general, there are four different types of fashion photography that we provide, including:
- Catalog photography
- High fashion photography
- Street fashion photography
- Editorial photography
If you are looking for a team of fashion photographers that specialize in a myriad of different forms of photography, providing unmatched results, you can count on our team every step of the way. Continue reading to learn more in-depth information about each type of fashion photography that we specialize in and what may suit your needs.

Catalog photography is a form of fashion photography that is simple and straightforward. In fact, its name speaks for itself, as this type of photography can be found browsing through a catalog or online store. Therefore, catalog photography is perfect for both commercial and e-commerce purposes. It is an ideal starting point when establishing your business, as it is done to showcase your product with a model.
Catalog photography, as mentioned previously, is more straightforward, meaning that it is extremely minimalistic. It focuses on the clothing, as opposed to the model. Catalog photography is done to turn your audience into customers. Therefore, catalog photography is generally neutral, in a normal setting, using a solid background. The models should be standing up straight or may include other stances to display certain highlights of the product, such as pockets.
The next form of fashion photography is known as high fashion photography, which is what you often see on the front page of magazines with well-known models or celebrities posing as the model, with exaggerated poses, abstract attire, remarkable settings, unrealistic props, hairstyles, and makeup.
Because high fashion photography is far more complex, it can be a very difficult task, as there are many elements to think about, all while making it appear captivating, unique, and beautiful. High fashion photography requires a high level of creativity, along with a solid and experienced team that understands the complexities of these types of photoshoots. High fashion photography often involves makeup artists, hair stylists, wardrobe stylists, a director, and multiple assistants to ensure the entire shoot runs smoothly.
In addition, high fashion photography often involves a wide range of different locations. So you’ll need to consider weather, wind, lighting equipment, and permits (depending on your desired location).

Street fashion, otherwise known as urban fashion, generally features popular trends and tends to be the most relatable type of photography. There are certainly no limitations when it comes to street fashion, as one could wear casual clothing or something a little more flashy. Whatever the case, the essence of street fashion is to capture one’s unique and personal style. It captures one’s style among the general public.
Generally, street fashion photography is done utilizing a longer lens. This is because street fashion photography is typically captured from a longer distance, catching the latest trends. Street fashion is more than just what one is wearing, though. In fact, when done effectively, it showcases one’s attitude, confidence, expression, and more. Street fashion photography can be a photo of a random person on the street (with their permission) or of a lifestyle and fashion blogger. Everything about street photography should be real and genuine.
Editorial fashion photography focuses on fashion, accompanied by telling a story. It can be featured in magazines, posters, newspapers, among other types of media. While the fashion and style are the main center points of the photoshoot, it is done all while telling a story through the photography, which also involves texts, articles, and other elements that include a variety of topics that are also being showcased and discussed. The goal of an editorial photoshoot is to make a strong statement about the product or brand, which includes unique makeup, hairstyles, props, settings, and more. Editorial fashion photography requires a high level of creativity and because there are so many elements involved, such as the fashion and storytelling elements, it is certainly one of the most rewarding types of photography out there.

If you’re looking for a skilled and experienced fashion photographer Los Angeles, LA Photo Team has everything you need to bring your unique pieces to life through stunning and captivating fashion photography. With years of experience in the world of fashion photography, we are confident in our ability to deliver one-of-a-kind results that you will absolutely love. Feel free to contact LA Photo Team for more information about getting started!
Connecting with the perfect photographer or videographer isn’t always easy! This is where LA Photo Team comes into the picture – we have the perfect framework to get your perfect shot and videos captured. We have an amazing team of qualified and vetted professionals that have committed themselves to perfecting their craft. We are driven professionals – photographers and videographers in Los Angeles – capturing the essence of business, experts, special events and the essence of our City of Angels. Create long-lasting visuals that you can be proud of – call us today to schedule your consultation in booking your professional shoot!