Event photography is a fun, interactive, and exciting niche. And while it has the many perks that come with it, it is important to remember that it takes a true expert that can truly capture these special moments. At LA Photo Team, we have years of experience specializing in special event photography and understand the many techniques and challenges that come with it, so we are always prepared. We are ready to take on your event, capturing the most special memories to cherish for a lifetime.
If you are seeking the top special event photographer in Los Angeles, then you have come to the right place. With a true passion for capturing the most exciting, cherishable, and special moments, we are the team of event photographers that you want for your event. To learn more about our rates and availability, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team today!
If you are wondering whether to hire a special event photographer, the answer is “yes.” But keep in mind – if you are looking for a photographer that can capture the most high quality images that truly encapsulates a special event, it takes a true expert photographer to deliver such results. The great news is that you have found us: LA Photo Team! Continue reading why you should hire a special event photographer, such as LA Photo Team.

When it comes to hosting an event, you certainly want images and videos to look back on so you don’t have to capture your own content and you can live in the moment. And let’s face it – social media is a huge part of most peoples’ lives these days, including businesses. In fact, social media is crucial when it comes to marketing, so having consistent content is absolutely essential. With that being said, photos make the best content and having content that includes a special event is not only something people love, but also something they will really appreciate and cherish. Having candid photos and group photos are amazing pieces of content that you can share on your social media, which can give your audience a different perspective of your business.
Next, it is important to recognize that not every photo is a quality photo. You may be wondering what does that even mean? Well, while it is nice to capture your own photos on your smartphone, your smart phone certainly doesn’t achieve the same level of quality as a good DSLR camera would. And let’s be honest… taking a photo in “portrait mode” or adding a filter is no comparison to a professional photo.

In addition, it is important to realize that not every high quality image is captured using the same exact equipment. In fact, a reputable professional photographer will have a variety of equipment handy to accommodate the environment(s) your event is in. For instance, lenses and lighting. Multiple different lenses may be necessary to effectively capture quality photos in a low light, dark, or outdoor settings. In addition, having a lens that is handy for sharper images, while capturing at a faster and more reliable speed is important as well.
Another factor to consider when choosing the right photographer for your event is whether he or she has the right lighting equipment. When hosting an event in a dark space, having portable artificial lighting is non-negotiable if you plan to capture quality photos. Depending on the circumstances, portable or continuous lighting will be opted for and luckily, we have all the resources necessary to ensure the best results.
Another important element of event photography that some people don’t realize is what we like to call “pre-event” photos. You may be wondering what this is. Pre-event photos are when the photographer comes early to the venue and photographs the special details of the event, such as table settings, food, and other beautiful features before the guests arrive. It is a great way to tell the story of your event before it unfolds. In addition, we have seen just how much our clients appreciate all of their hard work (and money) that went into the event by capturing these details.

At LA Photo Team, we also specialize in photo editing. So, not only will we beautifully capture your event, along with the many other beautiful details along with it, but we will also go through each and every photo to ensure the best shots and make any necessary adjustments and edits. We take pride in our work and want to ensure that our clients get the best results possible.
And last but certainly not least, our job is to capture every special moment at your event so you can live in the moment and not have to focus on taking your own pictures. Of course, you will be busy focusing on being a good host so hiring a photographer frees up your time and you won’t have to worry about taking photos or kicking yourself later for forgetting to take photos. When hiring LA Photo Team, you can count on us to beautifully capture these cherishable moments at your event.

Are you looking for the top special event photographer in Los Angeles? If so, we are here to help from start to finish. With years of experience providing exceptional results, service, and professionalism, we take pride in the work that we do and can’t wait to perfectly capture your next event! To learn more about our services, feel free to contact us today!