Product photography Los Angeles specialists have uncovered Chobani’s impeccable techniques.
Our product photography Los Angeles professionals have looked into and Chobani and their product photography strategies. In addition, we have uncovered their creative process.
Everybody knows Chobani yogurt, but why is that? It is likely that consumers have seen Chobani in various commercials and advertising campaigns. Product photography in Los Angeles is gaining steam and is the main reason why Chobani has become the number one best selling Greek yogurt on the market. Chobani has always been focused on photography, but that emphasis took an even bigger step when they decided to hire an in-house creative team. It is likely that other yogurt companies will be studying the advertising efforts of Chobani.
Thought Process
Chobani aimed to portray eating as a positive experience, almost magical. The creative process really took form when they had a direction to go with their advertising campaigns. Chobani decided that going with an older looking picture was the idea that they were going for with the product photography in Los Angeles. Chobani did not just want to advertise their food, but they wanted to tell a story with it. They have even gone so far to launch kids products and bring professionals in to focus on lifestyle photography.

Food Photography
Chobani has adopted the motto of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” They like to use the same photographers because they understand the niche photos that the company is going for. Chobani believes that just looking at food is a good way to sell the product.
Additionally, every business has similar challenges in common, like trying to make the product stand out. Likewise, making food stand out can be a particularly difficult task, especially on various media channels. Chobani has done a great job of making food look less like food and more of an experience.

About LA Photo Team:
LA Photo Team is full of services for businesses in the greater Los Angeles area. Product photography Los Angeles provider, LA Photo Team, offers services such as headshots, virtual tours, video editing, motion graphics, and much more! Contact LA Photo team via their website and follow them on Instagram!